+234 803 851 4090, +234 908 290 7092, +234 905 646 3036, +234 807 991 7938 centralinfo@noun.edu.ng

Mrs. Alero T. Akujobi is a Professor of Public Law and former Dean of the Faculty of Law, National Open University of Nigeria. She obtained her Bachelor of Law (LL. B) and Master of Law from the then Bendel State University, now Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma. She holds a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Law from the Delta State University, Abraka. She was called to the Bar in 1989. She is currently the Director of the Lagos Study Centre, Victoria Island, Lagos.

Professor Akujobi is an objective and practical person that has demonstrated her ability for excellent results. She has to her credit both national and international articles published in reputable journals on topical issues bothering on law. She is also a member of many recognized associations. She is married with children and can be contacted via her email atakujobi@yahoo.com.

Professor Alero Toju Akujobi

Public Law
Director Study Centre




My experience in the academia is over twenty five years.

(a) Books
1 Alero T.Akujobi. (2022) Compensation for Crime Victims in Nigeria. University of Lagos Press and Bookstore Ltd. 1-238
(b) Chapters in Books
2. Alero T. Akujobi. (2022). “Fighting Terrorism in Nigeria: Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of the Nigerian Terrorism (Prevention) Act 2011 as Amended” Current Legal Issues and Development Festschrift in Honour of Prof. J. A. Sokefun at 60. 290-315 
3. Alero T. Akujobi. (2009). “The Effectiveness of Criminal Sanctions under Environmental Law in Nigeria” Law and Petroleum Industry; Current Challenges in Nigeria in Honour of Justice Kate Abiri. Edited by Festus Emiri and Gowon Deinduomo. 347 – 356.
4. Alero T Akujobi. (2010). “Perspective on Corruption and its Control in Nigeria” Excellence in Judicial Administration and Other Essays. The Bozimo years in the Delta State Judiciary in Honour of Justice R.P.I Bozimo. 157-172
5. Alero T. Akujobi. (2009). “Corporate Social Responsibility in Nigeria: An Evaluation” Law and Petroleum Industry in Nigeria: Current Challenges. Edited by Emiri F.O and Deinduomo. G. 211-220.
(c) Journal Articles
6. Alero T. Akujobi. (2023). “Oil Theft and Operation of Illegal Modular Refineries in Nigeria: A Crime of Necessity” Admiralty University of Nigeria Law Journal (ADUNFLI). 1(1):18-27
7. Alero T. Akujobi. (2022). “Application of Consumer Sanctions in the Consumer Protection Regime in Nigeria: An Appraisal” in University of Ibadan Law Journal. 12: 90-110
8. Alero T. Akujobi & Aje-Famuyide A. (2022). “Public Health or
Criminal Justice? An Examination of Two Models to Prevention in
Nigeria” NOUN International Journal of Private & Property Law. 3: 20-35
9. Alero T. Akujobi. (2021). “Review of the Protection Against Domestic Violence Law of Lagos State: Urgent Need for Reform” in University of Ilorin Law Journal (UILJ) 13: 229-243
10. Alero T. Akujobi. (2021). “An Evaluation of the Efficiency of Asset Forfeiture in Nigeria Criminal Justice Administration” University of Ibadan Law Journal. 11: 60-80 
11. Alero T. Akujobi & Odike E. Adakole. (2019). “E-Learning-A Review of Modes of Facilitating Legal Education in National Open University of Nigeria” 35 years Journey to Adulthood (1983-2018) Published by the National Open University of Nigeria. 141-151. 
12. Alero T. Akujobi. (2017). “Administration of Criminal Justice: The Prisoner’s Right to Dignity and the Nigerian correctional Facilities” University of Maiduguri Law Journal. 15:23-39
13. Alero T. Akujobi. (2016). “Human Rights and the Criminal Justice in Nigeria: A Case for Juvenile Justice” NOUN Journal. 1: 1-14.
14. Alero T. Akujobi. (2015). “Gender Issue and Transformation in
Nigeria” Current Issues in Nigeria Law Edited by Justus Sokefun and
OlufunkeAje-Famuyide 5:39-67.
15. Alero T. Akujobi. (2014). “Human Rights: The Environment and
Sustainable Development in Nigeria” Ecology: Concepts, Policy and
Legislation. Edited Gasiokwu M.O.U (ENUGU) Chenglo Books. 459 -479.
16. Alero T. Akujobi. & Eturu R. (2012). “Towards the Eradication of Money Laundering in Nigeria: An Analysis of the Money Laundering (Prohibition) Act 2011, Law in Motion: Nurturing Democracy and Development”. Edited by Gasiokwu M.O.U Enugu. 204-225.
17. Alero T. Akujobi. (2013). “The Phenomenon of Child Soldiering:
Examining the Legal Framework for its Regulation” Nigerian Law and
Practice Journal. 12: 119-133.
18. Alero T. Akujobi. (2011). “Treatment of Crime Victims in Nigeria: A Critical Analysis” DELSU Law Review. 3 : 98-118
19. Alero T. Akujobi. (2009). “The Law of Equipment Leasing and the
Nigerian Investor” DELSU Readings in Law. 241-275.
20. Alero T. Akujobi. (2009). “An Examination of Settlement of Trade Dispute Under the Nigerian Labour Law” Ambrose Alli University, Law Journal 1(1): 108 – 118.
21. Alero T. Akujobi. (2008). “The Suspect Right to Bail: An Appraisal” ESUT Public Law Review. 1(1): 136- 143.
22. Alero T. Akujobi. (2006). “Children and the Nigerian Law; Problems
and Prospects” DELSU Law Review. 2 (1): 118-134
23. Alero T. Akujobi. (2005). “The Status of Internally of Internally Displaced Persons in Nigeria”. DELSU Law Review 1(2): 402-416.
24. Alero T. Akujobi. (2004). “Re-Assessing the Rights of the Nigerian Women and Gender Discrimination Under Customary Law” DELSU
Public Law Review. 1: 104-110.
25. Alero T. Akujobi. (2023). “Privacy and Data Protection in the
Administration of Criminal Justice in Nigeria: Examining the Obligations of the State vis-a vis the Rights of Data Subjects” NOUN Law Journal. 6: 80-100
(d) International Publications
26. Alero T. Akujobi. (2022). “The Nigerian Criminal Justice System’s Abuse of Confessional Statements; A call for Judicial Reform” University of Cape Coast. 2(2): 137-164
27. Alero T. Akujobi. (2020). “Resistance Against Rape and Kidnapping in Nigeria: Justifying Lethal Self Defence Against Violent Crimes” Kampala International Law Journal. 2:139-152
28. Alero T. Akujobi. (2017). “Integrating Integrity in Procurement: A Review of Implementation of Public Procurement Act in Nigeria”. Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Law Journal. 8: 143 -164
29. Alero T. Akujobi. (2018). “An Assessment of the Nigerian Terrorism Prevention Act and its Impact on National Security”. Global Journal of Human Social Science (GJHSS). 18(1): 31 – 38
30. Ebobo C. Urowoli & Alero T. Akujobi. (2022). “The Nexus Among Unemployment, Poverty and Crime in Contemporary Nigeria”. Reality in Politics, Czasopisma Marszaler.Com.PL/PL/10 -15804/rop. 19(1):132-148
31. Alero T. Akujobi & Ahwefeada V. Ufuoma. (2021). “Migration and Displacement: Legal Constraints of Internally Displaced Persons in Nigeria” International Journal of Migration and Global Studies (IJMGS). 2:336-362
32. Alero T. Akujobi & Odike E. Adakole. (2018). “Enforcement of Fundamental Rights in National Constitutions: Resolving the Conflict of Jurisdiction Between the Federal High Court and State High Courts in Nigeria”. Beijing Law Review. (9)(1): 87-99
33. Alero T. Akujobi & Erimma G. Orie. (2018). “Use of Water and Harvesting of Storm Water to Attain Sustainable Development Goals in Nigeria” The Legal/Regulatory Imperative. International Journal of Private and Property law. 1(1): 31- 57
35. Alero T. Akujobi. (2017). “Methods and Challenges in Pedagogies for ODL in Legal Education: A review of National Open University of Nigeria law Programme” In Essays in Online Education; A Global Perspective (Unisa Press). 144-154
36. Alero T. Akujobi. (2021). “Covid -19, Emergency Laws and Enforcement in Nigeria” Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization. 105: 21 – 27


Google Scholar Link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=5_eBM6YAAAAJ&hl=en

Orcid ID

Adakole E.Odike “Developing a framework for Access to Legal Education in Nigeria” (Principal Researcher/Team lead Dr. Adakole E.Odike NOUN/DRA/LARTC/NOUN18/VOL.11

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