(a) Books
1 Alero T.Akujobi. (2022) Compensation for Crime Victims in Nigeria. University of Lagos Press and Bookstore Ltd. 1-238
(b) Chapters in Books
2. Alero T. Akujobi. (2022). “Fighting Terrorism in Nigeria: Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of the Nigerian Terrorism (Prevention) Act 2011 as Amended” Current Legal Issues and Development Festschrift in Honour of Prof. J. A. Sokefun at 60. 290-315
3. Alero T. Akujobi. (2009). “The Effectiveness of Criminal Sanctions under Environmental Law in Nigeria” Law and Petroleum Industry; Current Challenges in Nigeria in Honour of Justice Kate Abiri. Edited by Festus Emiri and Gowon Deinduomo. 347 – 356.
4. Alero T Akujobi. (2010). “Perspective on Corruption and its Control in Nigeria” Excellence in Judicial Administration and Other Essays. The Bozimo years in the Delta State Judiciary in Honour of Justice R.P.I Bozimo. 157-172
5. Alero T. Akujobi. (2009). “Corporate Social Responsibility in Nigeria: An Evaluation” Law and Petroleum Industry in Nigeria: Current Challenges. Edited by Emiri F.O and Deinduomo. G. 211-220.
(c) Journal Articles
6. Alero T. Akujobi. (2023). “Oil Theft and Operation of Illegal Modular Refineries in Nigeria: A Crime of Necessity” Admiralty University of Nigeria Law Journal (ADUNFLI). 1(1):18-27
7. Alero T. Akujobi. (2022). “Application of Consumer Sanctions in the Consumer Protection Regime in Nigeria: An Appraisal” in University of Ibadan Law Journal. 12: 90-110
8. Alero T. Akujobi & Aje-Famuyide A. (2022). “Public Health or
Criminal Justice? An Examination of Two Models to Prevention in
Nigeria” NOUN International Journal of Private & Property Law. 3: 20-35
9. Alero T. Akujobi. (2021). “Review of the Protection Against Domestic Violence Law of Lagos State: Urgent Need for Reform” in University of Ilorin Law Journal (UILJ) 13: 229-243
10. Alero T. Akujobi. (2021). “An Evaluation of the Efficiency of Asset Forfeiture in Nigeria Criminal Justice Administration” University of Ibadan Law Journal. 11: 60-80
11. Alero T. Akujobi & Odike E. Adakole. (2019). “E-Learning-A Review of Modes of Facilitating Legal Education in National Open University of Nigeria” 35 years Journey to Adulthood (1983-2018) Published by the National Open University of Nigeria. 141-151.
12. Alero T. Akujobi. (2017). “Administration of Criminal Justice: The Prisoner’s Right to Dignity and the Nigerian correctional Facilities” University of Maiduguri Law Journal. 15:23-39
13. Alero T. Akujobi. (2016). “Human Rights and the Criminal Justice in Nigeria: A Case for Juvenile Justice” NOUN Journal. 1: 1-14.
14. Alero T. Akujobi. (2015). “Gender Issue and Transformation in
Nigeria” Current Issues in Nigeria Law Edited by Justus Sokefun and
OlufunkeAje-Famuyide 5:39-67.
15. Alero T. Akujobi. (2014). “Human Rights: The Environment and
Sustainable Development in Nigeria” Ecology: Concepts, Policy and
Legislation. Edited Gasiokwu M.O.U (ENUGU) Chenglo Books. 459 -479.
16. Alero T. Akujobi. & Eturu R. (2012). “Towards the Eradication of Money Laundering in Nigeria: An Analysis of the Money Laundering (Prohibition) Act 2011, Law in Motion: Nurturing Democracy and Development”. Edited by Gasiokwu M.O.U Enugu. 204-225.
17. Alero T. Akujobi. (2013). “The Phenomenon of Child Soldiering:
Examining the Legal Framework for its Regulation” Nigerian Law and
Practice Journal. 12: 119-133.
18. Alero T. Akujobi. (2011). “Treatment of Crime Victims in Nigeria: A Critical Analysis” DELSU Law Review. 3 : 98-118
19. Alero T. Akujobi. (2009). “The Law of Equipment Leasing and the
Nigerian Investor” DELSU Readings in Law. 241-275.
20. Alero T. Akujobi. (2009). “An Examination of Settlement of Trade Dispute Under the Nigerian Labour Law” Ambrose Alli University, Law Journal 1(1): 108 – 118.
21. Alero T. Akujobi. (2008). “The Suspect Right to Bail: An Appraisal” ESUT Public Law Review. 1(1): 136- 143.
22. Alero T. Akujobi. (2006). “Children and the Nigerian Law; Problems
and Prospects” DELSU Law Review. 2 (1): 118-134
23. Alero T. Akujobi. (2005). “The Status of Internally of Internally Displaced Persons in Nigeria”. DELSU Law Review 1(2): 402-416.
24. Alero T. Akujobi. (2004). “Re-Assessing the Rights of the Nigerian Women and Gender Discrimination Under Customary Law” DELSU
Public Law Review. 1: 104-110.
25. Alero T. Akujobi. (2023). “Privacy and Data Protection in the
Administration of Criminal Justice in Nigeria: Examining the Obligations of the State vis-a vis the Rights of Data Subjects” NOUN Law Journal. 6: 80-100
(d) International Publications
26. Alero T. Akujobi. (2022). “The Nigerian Criminal Justice System’s Abuse of Confessional Statements; A call for Judicial Reform” University of Cape Coast. 2(2): 137-164
27. Alero T. Akujobi. (2020). “Resistance Against Rape and Kidnapping in Nigeria: Justifying Lethal Self Defence Against Violent Crimes” Kampala International Law Journal. 2:139-152
28. Alero T. Akujobi. (2017). “Integrating Integrity in Procurement: A Review of Implementation of Public Procurement Act in Nigeria”. Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Law Journal. 8: 143 -164
29. Alero T. Akujobi. (2018). “An Assessment of the Nigerian Terrorism Prevention Act and its Impact on National Security”. Global Journal of Human Social Science (GJHSS). 18(1): 31 – 38
30. Ebobo C. Urowoli & Alero T. Akujobi. (2022). “The Nexus Among Unemployment, Poverty and Crime in Contemporary Nigeria”. Reality in Politics, Czasopisma Marszaler.Com.PL/PL/10 -15804/rop. 19(1):132-148
31. Alero T. Akujobi & Ahwefeada V. Ufuoma. (2021). “Migration and Displacement: Legal Constraints of Internally Displaced Persons in Nigeria” International Journal of Migration and Global Studies (IJMGS). 2:336-362
32. Alero T. Akujobi & Odike E. Adakole. (2018). “Enforcement of Fundamental Rights in National Constitutions: Resolving the Conflict of Jurisdiction Between the Federal High Court and State High Courts in Nigeria”. Beijing Law Review. (9)(1): 87-99
33. Alero T. Akujobi & Erimma G. Orie. (2018). “Use of Water and Harvesting of Storm Water to Attain Sustainable Development Goals in Nigeria” The Legal/Regulatory Imperative. International Journal of Private and Property law. 1(1): 31- 57
35. Alero T. Akujobi. (2017). “Methods and Challenges in Pedagogies for ODL in Legal Education: A review of National Open University of Nigeria law Programme” In Essays in Online Education; A Global Perspective (Unisa Press). 144-154
36. Alero T. Akujobi. (2021). “Covid -19, Emergency Laws and Enforcement in Nigeria” Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization. 105: 21 – 27